

Tricky Trivia Tuesday (#7, #8)

literati_rain66 Tuesday, March 13, 2012 , ,
I'm feeling a little too much like Brittany Spears.

Oops, I did it again!

I got so busy last week that Tuesday passed me by with hardly a glance. To make up for it, it's another double question week. :)

If you're new to the game or just need a refresher, all the details about Trivia Tuesday and the BBoB giveaway are HERE. The rules are there too.

On to the good stuff!!

Tricky Trivia Tuesday question 1: What were the names of the four sisters in Lousia May Alcott's Little Women?

Tricky Trivia Tuesday question 2: In Little House on the Prarie, where does Pa Ingalls decide to move the Ingalls family? (town and state)

Good luck and thanks for playing!