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Review Policy

Genres I Will Review: I review children's, MG, YA, and adult. I will review paranormal romance, urban fantasy, fantasy, contemporary, historical fiction, sci-fi, thrillers, mystery, and Christian.

 If you have a book you'd like me to review, please email me at redraindrops66(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Genres I Don't Review: Non-fiction, erotica, horror.

Genres I Sometimes, But Rarely Review: Chick-lit, manga, memoirs.

Accepted Formats: My preferred format is a published work, whether it's an ARC/galley or a released title. I do not, and I will repeat for clarity, DO NOT accept e-books. Please understand that if you contact me about an e-book, I will most likely trash it. Apologies for the many authors that have gone strictly digital, but I really simply don't accept digital books for review.

Self-Published Authors: If you have a book that fits on the list of books I will review, I'd love to hear from you. I enjoy promoting books, no matter the publisher or size of publisher.

Author Interviews: I'd love to interview you! Just include a note in your email to me letting me know you're willing. After I read your book, I will email you with my interview questions. I don't follow a posting schedule, so you're not on any kind of deadline. I want my interview with you to be a fun experience, not added stress.

Other Promotions: I'm more than happy to host giveaways, do guest posts, or promote your book/blog any way I can.

Contact: redraindrops66(at)yahoo(dot)com

If you are a fellow blogger or reader and want to recommend me a book, please do so! I love hearing about what you like, and I'm willing to give just about anything a try.

In accordance with the new FTC guidelines I would like my readers to know that some of the books I review on my site are given to me for review by the author or the publisher. I am in no way compensated for any reviews on my site.The thoughts and comments in my reviews are mine, and mine alone. I review honestly, and get nothing back but the joy of reading.