I'm on it! I've joined the movement. I have gone and made a book blog. Mine will be a bit different. There will be "reviews", giveaways, etc. But on a mommy's schedule. (that means sporadic at best)
And by "reviews" I mean... I'm often lucky if I have time to shower... so my "reviews" will most likely be something along the lines of, "I loved this quote: _____" or, "Meh, totally meh." Don't expect essays. If you're another busy person, then this is the book blog for you. ;-)
The giveaways that I hold will be both young adult and adult.
So to get the ball rolling, I will start my book blog off with a giveaway. What better way to get followers, am I right?
The book I'm giving away is Halfway to the Grave, by the fabulous Jeaniene Frost. It's the first in the Night Huntress series, a series that I adore.
To enter:
Comment on this post.
Answer these questions: Do you have a favorite pair of underwear? What do they look like? What makes them your favorite? (and if you are the strange sort who doesn't wear underwear... then make up an answer because I really don't want to know.)
+1 for following me on Twitter (literati_rain66)
+1 for Tweeting about this contest (leave link)
+1 for following this blog
+2 for being a Rather Lovely
That's it! The contest is open until Wednesday, June 2nd at noon, EST. Winners will be announced soon after. Open to US residents only. (I know, I'm sorry. But shipping... you know how it is.)
Honestly, no. But that's no fun right? So I'll pick one anyways. Its a pair from American Eagle that has a chick (as in baby chicken) on a surfboard & it says surfer chick.
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+2 for being a Rather Lovely
My favorite underwear are these boy shorts that are white with little monkey faces on them.. I love wearing them
+1 for following (@Vacilci)
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Hmmm my favorite pair would have to be my hanky panky underwear and only because they are comfy and they don't bother me as much as some pairs do:)
+1 I am following on twitter @bangersis
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Thanks for the giveaway and if I had time for a blog it would be similar to yours:)
My favorite pair of underwear is a black, white & silver striped Victoria's Secret brand. They are comfy and I like the way the silver shines metalic.
+1 Following on twitter @jesilea
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I don't know what a Rather Lovely is.
Thanks for the giveaway! I've been wanting to read this forever.
And I update my blog sporadically, and I'm not a mommy. Well, I'm Zephyr's mommy, but that's not the same. I'm just really busy. :)
My favorite pair of underwear. Believe it or not... it's my faery underwear. It has an Amy Brown design.
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_2 Rath (tegan)
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UNDERWEAR! I am a under wear junkie. Boy cut, bikin cut, g-string, boxers I love them all.
Right now my fav pair is a white pair of bikin cut that has black butterflys all around it.
Frogot link
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