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Only One Opinion (Aeroplane Child)

literati_rain66 Saturday, January 8, 2011 ,
Review of the children's book Aeroplane Child, by Larry Don Cornell Sr.

Toddler Reaction: He liked the bright, colorful drawings, but he quickly lost interest in the text. The words didn't make a lot of sense to him and it was obvious he wasn't listening to the story. After his initial exclamation of "Airplane!" when he saw the cover, he got bored and found something else to do.

Mommy Reaction: I was looking forward to reading Aeroplane Child with my son, since he loves to watch his daddy fly RC airplanes. Sadly though, I was not impressed with this book. The marker drawings were cute and bright, but the words were a jumble. A lot of the times it seemed as though the author thought of every rhyming word he could and put them all in one sentence, whether or not they made sense. I had a hard time following any real story line, as the rhyming words overpowered anything else that could have been there. It's also important to me that a children's book have correct spelling, punctuation,  and proper grammar, which this book did not. I'm afraid that I can't say I loved this book, but I will post some quotes for you so that you can make up your own mind about it.

"The aeroplane child is precis and it is nice to heist the slice of sky. And by and by you can't get to high. The air thermos takes you to the next levels just like bevels in the gravels in the pebbles to up hovels and revels to get your shovels and travels away for your troubles." Page 29, Aeroplane Child

"As the aeroplane child is perched on a cloud. Looking like the clouds is endowed and proud in their white color. Loud with thunder and shroud with light. That the crowd is all over the child gourd for the rest of the day. Proud and cloud goes up into a loud place." Page 35, Aeroplane Child

"The flying machine that streams to the dreams and reams to the breams that cream the regimes on the team behind the scene gleams to the hems and the airstream by the beams of gravity Weems the air machine back to the dream." Page 37, Aeroplane Child


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