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Tricky Trivia Tuesday (#2)

literati_rain66 Tuesday, January 31, 2012 , ,

Tricky Trivia Tuesday is an on-going trivia game here at Literati's Literary Library. Click here to read the rules and contest details!

Since last week's question was easy, I went with a more difficult question. Good luck!

Tricky Trivia Tuesday Question: Who did A.A. Milne, author of Winnie the Pooh, use as inspiration for the character "Christopher Robin"?

Remember, no search engines!

First person to answer correctly gets their name entered in the Big Box of Books giveaway!


Name: Aine said...

I believe I read that A.A.Milne created him based on his son.

literati_rain66 said...

I believe that I need to find harder questions, since both times people have gotten it right on the first guess. ;-)

But yes! A.A. Milne named the character Christopher Robin after his son, Christopher Robin. (Although according to my sources, the real Christopher Robin didn't much like the book because all the children in his class made fun of him for it)

Congrats, Aine! Your name has been entered into the giveaway! :)

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